Nutritious Bytes

Dr. Debé's blog on metabolically tailored nutrition and wellness
Filtering by: Heart attack
Want your penis to work - again? (part 2): A Holistic Approach to Erectile Dysfunction...And Vascular Health

Want your penis to work - again? (part 2): A Holistic Approach to Erectile Dysfunction...And Vascular Health

"Say N.O. to E.D....Say N.O. to all Disease!"

Last month I discussed a holistic approach to erectile dysfunction and poor vascular health. The focus was on the critical biochemical nitric oxide (N.O.). Nitric oxide plays a key role in blood vessel relaxation and dilation and, therefore, erectile function. Nitric oxide is essential for healthy blood vessels and avoidance of heart attack and stroke. By improving blood flow, nitric oxide plays a pivotal role in nutrient delivery, waste removal, and energy production. This translates into improved function and better health throughout the body. Actually, nitric oxide does many other beneficial things in the body, which deserve attention in future discussions.

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Want your penis to work? Try flossing your teeth...but skip the mouthwash!

Want your penis to work? Try flossing your teeth...but skip the mouthwash!

A Holistic Approach to Erectile Dysfunction...And Vascular Health

Erectile dysfunction can have multiple causes but the single greatest factor is unhealthy blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction (or E. D.) is a sign of potential trouble brewing in the arteries and a warning of increased risk to future heart attack and stroke. So, you ladies who may not find erectile dysfunction of particular interest should realize that the same factors apply in part to female sexual dysfunction, hypertension (high blood pressure) and to overall cardiovascular health.

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What the Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know About Heart Disease!

What the Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know About Heart Disease!

"Most patients with heart disease do not have a classic lipid disorder."

I heard those words spoken last night by a leading researcher in cholesterol and heart disease. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a lecture by world-expert Dr. Robert Superko entitled, "Going Beyond LDL: The Scientific Evidence".

Dr. Superko started off the evening by stating that he did not give presentations for drug companies and that the reason why would become apparent as the lecture went along. The reason turned out to be that the evidence does not support the claim that everyone should be on a statin (cholesterol-lowering drug). What's more, Dr. Superko went into the statistical deception used by drug companies to fool even doctors into thinking these drugs are more effective than they really are.

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