Nutritious Bytes

Dr. Debé's blog on metabolically tailored nutrition and wellness
Filtering by: LDL Cholesterol
What the Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know About Heart Disease!

What the Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know About Heart Disease!

"Most patients with heart disease do not have a classic lipid disorder."

I heard those words spoken last night by a leading researcher in cholesterol and heart disease. I had the distinct pleasure of attending a lecture by world-expert Dr. Robert Superko entitled, "Going Beyond LDL: The Scientific Evidence".

Dr. Superko started off the evening by stating that he did not give presentations for drug companies and that the reason why would become apparent as the lecture went along. The reason turned out to be that the evidence does not support the claim that everyone should be on a statin (cholesterol-lowering drug). What's more, Dr. Superko went into the statistical deception used by drug companies to fool even doctors into thinking these drugs are more effective than they really are.

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Don’t let your microflora break your heart!...or bones…or brain…or joints…or…

Don’t let your microflora break your heart!...or bones…or brain…or joints…or…

February is Heart Health month. So of course, I’d like to speak to you about your …gut!

Once laughed at by conventional medicine, dysbiosis (imbalanced intestinal flora) is now verified to be a major cause of disease.

There is an explosion of research in the field of microflora or microbiome. These terms refer to the bacteria and other organisms that naturally inhabit our gastrointestinal tract. The skin and other body surfaces also are home to bacteria. The composition of your microbiome is a major determinant of your health.

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