Gluten Sensitivity Tests

More than 300 different symptoms have been attributed to gluten sensitivity. When an individual's immune system reacts to ingested gluten, a variety of adverse health outcomes can result. The number 1 target organ of gluten sensitivity is the brain, although any organ can be affected. Identifying gluten-sensitivity can be life changing - even life extending.

I recommend testing for gluten sensitivity in several different ways. If a  blood test from a conventional laboratory identifies elevated antibodies to the gluten protein fraction called alpha gliadin then no further testing is necessary; gluten sensitivity has been identified. Unfortunately, this test is only effective in picking up advanced cases of celiac disease - the gluten-triggered autoimmune condition affecting the small intestine. Routine laboratory tests for gluten sensitivity miss more cases than they identify. I offer patients the option of starting with this test because it is more readily available and covered by insurance.

The most definitive test for gluten and wheat sensitivity is the Vibrant Wheat Zoomer by a lab named Vibrant America. Click here for a detailed description of this test.

When gluten sensitivity is identified, the first part of treatment involves total elimination of gluten from the diet. Repairing the damage that gluten reactions have produced is the next step.

Sample Vibrant Wheat Zoomer report