Genomic Profiles

These tests reveal genetic predispositions to disease, which can be modified by natural treatments. When it comes to most health conditions, genes allow for possibilities, not death sentences. Genes are turned on and turned off by biological and environmental influences. Armed with the knowledge of potential genetic Achille’s heels, we can take more precise actions to remain healthy.

These newly available tests enable us to analyze a small part of an individual’s genetic make-up. DNA is extracted and analyzed from cells that line the inside of the cheek. Obtaining a sample simply involves wiping a cotton roll inside the cheek. Genes that are analyzed must meet certain criteria. The gene must be associated with adverse health conditions. The gene must be present in a significant number of people. Finally, there must be a way to compensate for the adverse health influence of the gene. 

These genetic tests check for gene variations, where one base is substituted for another. On average, it has been estimated that an individual can inherit one of 14 possible variations of a gene. Certain gene variants, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), program for inefficient versions of proteins and enzymes. This produces an altered state of physiology, which can manifest as a diagnosable condition or disease. 

As an example, one in three Americans has a SNP that impairs their ability to properly utilize folic acid. L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-MTHF) is the metabolically active form of folic acid. Once absorbed, dietary (and supplemental) folic acid has to undergo several biochemical conversions in the body to become L-5-MTHF. Roughly one in three Americans have genetically inefficient enzymes that help create L-5-MTHF. 

For individuals found to have this unfavorable SNP, supplementing with L-5-MTHF is the answer. If you are an individual with impaired ability to utilize regular folic acid, L-5-MTHF supplementation can make a truly dramatic difference in your health. Some of the conditions related to L-5-MTHF adequacy include coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, peripheral vascular disease, miscarriage, birth defects, depression, presbyopia, sensorineural hearing loss, osteoporosis, cancer, arthritis, cognitive decline, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and complications of diabetes.