Insulin–like Growth Factor–1 (IGF–1) Levels

Insulin–like Growth Factor–1 (IGF–1) is a key hormone to measure as part of an Anti–Aging program evaluation. It is measured from a blood sample. Its levels are reflective of another important hormone, growth hormone. Growth hormone mediates much of its effects by stimulating the liver’s production of IGF–1. IGF–1 levels tend to fall with age. It is an anabolic hormone, meaning it causes a general increase in manufacture of body tissue. This makes it valuable for repair of injured and "worn out" tissues. IGF–1 plays a role in building and maintaining lean muscle mass, maintaining bone density, protecting nerve cells from degenerative changes, improving skin tone, and reducing risk to cardiovascular disease. When IGF–1 levels are found to be low, recombinant human growth hormone, homeopathic remedies, and several different natural compounds can all be considered as remedies.

However, IGF–1 also has its dark side. Because it is an anabolic hormone, it may spur the growth of tumor cells as well as healthy cells. Cancers of the prostate and breast are the main cancers that one needs to be concerned about in connection with elevated levels of IGF–1

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